This is the second entry of my Beth/Lyric Project exercises. (I am working through the exercises in Lyric Kinard's book, "Art + Quilt," in the style of Julie/Julia.) See Entry 1 here. first of the exercises (Visual Texture) is here'd love for you to do the exercises with me. Let me know if you decide to jump in! I really appreciate comments. Please let me know what you think.
For this exercise, neutral fabrics were to be used to create
actual texture. Embellishments could be added if desired. I found using only neutrals to be a challenge; I kept wanting to use something colorful. In the end, I really like each of the pieces. I tried to use as many different textures as I could in one piece. Since the pieces are only 8" X 10", that meant that there wasn't a lot of space. I enjoyed the hand stitching I did on each of the pieces.
This is
Composition 1. I used upholstery fabric samples for the background and added two squares (the top of a smooth cotton; the bottom of a soft, woven fabric). The top circle is made of rubber shelf liner. (I had to keep reminding myself not to iron it!) More upholstery fabric is used for the rectangles. I used ravelled pieces of linen to embellish two of the rectangles. That's a yoyo in the middle sitting on ravelled linen piece.
Composition 2 is based on a vase shape. The vertical line is the rubber material. The diagonal torn strip is smooth cotton. Various upholstery fabric samples and batting have been used for the background. I made yoyos and used 6 strands of embroidery thread to make french knots and decorative stitches to hold each of them down. I hand stitched the top left fabric with 6 strands of embroidery thread. Linen thread was used to stitch the middle yoyo.
Composition 3 took the longest. Again, I used different upholstery fabric samples. I added a portion of a straw hat. I used the rubber shelf liner again in the bottom right corner. I added a torn strip held down with linen thread french knots to the hat "fabric." The bottom left lightest fabric is a washed Clorox disinfecting wipe. You can't really tell in the picture, but it has little hexagons all over it. I added french knots to a portion of that fabric using linen thread. The hole in this piece was already in the upholstery sample; I stitched around it using 6 strands of embroidery floss. I machine quilted the top right fabric and added hand stitching to the top left.

Since I come from a traditional quilting background, I have seldom used fabrics other than smooth cottons in my pieces. I found myself really enjoying the feel of these various textures. I also liked "pushing" myself to come up with ways to add texture through embellishments. I think the multiple textures (and the play of light off these textures) make the pieces much more interesting.
The next exercise is on "Shape and Meaning" and begins on Page 32 of "Art + Quilt." Come join me! I'm shooting for having the exercise finished and posted next Sunday, but I'll be gone most of the week, so it might be a bit later. Stay tuned...