Thursday, December 31, 2009
Working on the Studio
Monday, December 28, 2009
Slow But Steady
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tip Chosen by American Patchwork & Quilting/Quilt Pattern Picked
I have decided on a quilt pattern to use to make a quilt for my Mom. She was transferred to the nursing home last week and has been very agitated. I'm hoping this quilt will help to make her feel more comfortable. I think quilts can convey warmth and love; I'm hoping that is what this quilt will do. I shopped for the fabric on my way home from Indianapolis. I found a pattern called "In and Out" by Blue Underground Studios, Inc. ( that I really liked. Here are some of the blocks I have made. Actually, I finished all the blocks yesterday and will start putting them together today. I used the fabric I purchased plus some from my stash.

Friday, December 11, 2009
I was told today that my mother will have to go to a nursing home that deals with Alzheimer's patients very soon. I will be busy making a twin-size quilt to go in her room there. The colors are lavender and green (which I don't have much of in my stash), so I guess I'll just have to go fabric shopping. I have to get this done real fast. Anyone have a suggestion on a pattern (other than slapping squares together). I'd like it to be fast but pretty. Please email me any suggestions at
Monday, December 7, 2009
Back Home Indiana, Free Mystery Round Robin
Today, I'm catching up on all I didn't do while I was gone...laundry, mail, bills, decorating for the holidays, etc. It is amazing how much time that can take up.
My son-in-law worked on the quilting studio while I was gone. All of the trim is in, the toilet is hooked up, the dehumidifier is hooked up to the sump pump, and there really is very little else to be done. The cabinets haven't come in yet, so they will have to be put in when they get here. The bathroom sink and faucet have to be put in. The laminate tops (for the bathroom and the cabinets in the quilting room) have to be put on, and some of the drop ceiling in the bathroom has to be replaced. Once these things are done, all I have to do is move all my stuff in and start sewing! Hmmmm, I'm thinking that could be awhile!
Also, right now there isn't enough interest in a (free) "mystery" round robin to make it worth my while to post it. If any of you are interested in doing this, please email me and let me know ( I'm going to keep asking until the end of December; I'd like to start it in January. If you would like to know more about it, take a look at this post
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Are You Interested?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Maria Peagler Fabric and Works In Progress

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Earthworks--Art Quilts at the Carnegie Center
Valerie White, one of the artists with work on display at the Carnegie, has been creating quilts for almost twenty years. She shares her passion for textiles by teaching and presenting lectures nationally. Her work appears in several publications and is widely exhibited. This is a picture of Valerie beside her Radishes by Moonlight which is a whole-cloth quilt created using chlorine and thiox discharge and thermo fax screen. It measures 24" X 36".
Six Feet Under was made in 2007. It was pieced with commercial fabric and uses textile paint and chlorine bleach discharge. It was quilted by Valerie and measures 39" X 35".
Valerie's Blemish is a whole-cloth quilt that was made in 2008. She used thickened dyes, soy wax, fabric markers, and textile paint. This quilt was also quilted by Valerie and measures 28" X 33 1/2".
Valerie calls this whole-cloth quilt Beta Vulgaris; Big Ass Beet. Thickened dyes, soy wax, and textile paint were also used in this quilt. It was quilted by the artist and measures 58" X 26 1/2".
Pat DaRif uses many techniques to create her work. She has taken an abstract, somewhat minimalist, approach in preparing the work for this exhibit. She says that she hopes to have evoked the beauty and fragility of nature and, by extension, a sense of our responsibility to safeguard and preserve it.
This is Pat with her quilt, Natural Elements II: Lake Shore, 2009. The quilt consists of hand-dyed silk which has been fused and machine quilted.
Pat's quilt, Water's Edge, 2007, measures 53" X 37 1/2". It uses hand-dyed and commercial silks and is machine quilted. The blue piece of silk on the bottom of the piece flutters with the slightest breeze artfully simulating the movement of water.
Fire Storm (2009) uses hand-dyed silks and cotton fabrics. It is machine quilted and measures 42 1/2" X 32 1/2".
Joanne Weis is a mixed media textile artist whose work can be found in private collections around the country. She is President of the Louisville Area Fiber and Textile Artists and actively juries and curates shows and promotes appreciation of fiber and textile art within the community.
Joanne poses here with her quilt entitled A Time to Reap from the Seed Series, 2008. It utilizes silk that has been hand dyed, screened, and embroidered. The quilt measures 24" X 19".Osprey Nest uses hand-dyed, appliqued, and embroidered silk. Joanne says about this piece, "On the southern New England coast, development and agricultural run-off seriously endangered the native osprey population. Through significant efforts on a local, state, and federal level, nesting habitats are being established and protected resulting in a return of the coastal osprey."
I'd like to thank the Carnegie Center ( for some of the information used for this blog installment. Please visit this exhibit if you get a chance.
Quilt Guild Retreat November 2009
The room was packed with sewing machines and supplies. Baby quilts, paper piecing projects, and flannel quilts were just some of the projects these ladies worked on.
If you get a chance to attend a retreat, do it! You'll have a great time.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Back Home--Getting Ready for My Next Retreat
I have had a question about my Happenstance quilt. If you'd like to refresh your memory as to which quilt that is, just type "Happenstance" into the Search box at the top left of the screen. I was asked if I could give a link for the Happenstance pattern. I don't think Caren has a website, but you can contact her at You could ask her about her patterns at that address.
I am hoping to have pictures to post from the "Earthworks" fiber arts gallery exhibit I'll be attending on Thursday. Two members of LAFTA (Louisville Area Fiber and Textile Artists) and one other artist have pieces on display there. "Earthworks" will be exhibited at the Carnegie Center for Arts & History at 201 East Spring Street in New Albany, Indiana, from October 30-December 30, 2009. There is a program on November 5 from 7-8 p.m. presented by Karen Gillenwater (co-presented by LAFTA) on "Textiles in Contemporary Art." On November 7 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. there will be a gallery talk with the artists. I'd love to attend that, but I will be at my guild quilt retreat. If you'd like any further information on this exhibit, check out or call (812) 944-7336.
Monday, October 26, 2009
A Quick Studio Update + Kathy Loomis Art Quilt Class

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Retreat Show & Tell and a Short Quilting Studio Update update on my quilting studio. The flooring people came yesterday and are working again today. The flooring is going down! I'm hoping it won't be too long until the rest of the work is finished; however, my son-in-law who is doing the work has been called back to work full time. Finishing may be slow going.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Weekend Retreat

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
In Search of Art in Santa Fe
First, I went to "Museum Hill." I asked about fiber art displays but none were available. I ended up going to the Museum of International Folk Art. I love the Folk Art Museum in New York, so I was thinking this was something I would really like.....I was wrong! One entire wing was closed (no reduction in the price of admittance). There was an exhibit of Indonesian Shadow Puppet Art. I can appreciate the work involved in making one of these, but it just isn't my "cup of tea." I moved on to the Girard Wing of the museum which houses a collection of over 100,000 objects in scenes recalling villages, markets and festivals. I'm thinking this Girard fellow was on the verge of being a "hoarder." I can't imagine housing all this stuff before it was given to the museum.
Next, I went to the Georgia O'Keeffe museum. Now, that was more like it! They have a great exhibit called "New Mexico and New York: Photographs of Georgia O'Keeffe" which features approximately thirty photographs of Ms. O'Keeffe dating from 1917 through the 1960s. I really enjoyed this exhibit. It will be at the museum till January 10, 2010. I also enjoyed her abstract work on display. I wanted to buy the book Georgia O'Keeffe: Abstraction (Whitney Museum of American Art) by Barbara Haskell, E. Bruce Robertson, Ms. Elizabeth Hutton Turner, and Director Barbara Buhler Lynes that just came out in September of this year, but it was a hardcover and way too expensive and too heavy to take home on the plane. I'll be checking into it on Amazon later.
I had some time left before I had to head back to Albuquerque, so I began to walk. I ended up at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts. Now, here is where I saw some strange stuff. A pile of crude wooden airplanes piled up in the middle of the floor was the first piece I saw. Next, I came to a mosquito net held off the floor with fish hooks. I went into a room that was empty except for two video monitors. Each was playing a different perception of a scene--two people were running through the snow (supposedly from some unknown intruder of some kind); the man in the scene is killed, and the woman freezes to death (I think.). Another exhibit had a screen showing a woman's naked back as she is on her side. Her back has a HUGE cut running from her right shoulder to her left hip. The cut was stitched shut, and there were strings of red beads hanging from the stitches. Ooooooo--at least I'm broadening my art horizons.
I did take a few photographs to use as inspiration for art quilts while I was out and about today. I'm anxious to get home and download them to the computer to see what I have. If I have any good ones, I'll share them.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
On the Trail of Fiber Art
If you are into yarn, you will enjoy a visit to the Tapestry Gallery which features the work of 30 New Mexico fiber artists. Hand-dyed yarn is available for purchase. They have hand-woven chenille clothing--sweaters, shawls, wraps and vests; rag rugs; artist dolls; woven copper pieces; woven tapestries, knitted hats, and poplar wall pockets. I'm not big into the "yarn" thing, but I did enjoy checking out this gallery.
My last stop of the day was at The Quilt Works, Inc. quilt shop in Albuquerque. The ladies at this shop were very nice. There is a good selection of fabrics, samples, notions, and books. The classroom area has some beautiful samples of what can be made in upcoming classes. Be sure to stop in if you are in the Albuquerque area.
I found out today that New Mexico has a Fiber Arts Trail. The governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, says, "We want you to experience fiber arts from "sheep to shawl" in New Mexico through these Arts Trails." The Trail consists of the work of more than 200 New Mexico fiber artists at 71 destinations along the trails. I'm not going to have time to check it out this time; but if you get the chance, it would be a great way to spend a vacation!
Monday, October 12, 2009
On Vacation--Looking for Art Quilt Inspiration
Yesterday, we drove the Turquoise Trail from Albuquerque to Santa Fe. We passed through the little town of Madrid (where Wild Hogs was filmed). It is a really artsy place--my kind of town. There are lots of little shops, interesting people, good food, and art everywhere. I'm heading back myself (so my husband doesn't have to "suffer" through all the shops). I'm also heading back to Santa Fe so I can "do" the galleries and the Georgia O'Keeffe museum. I'll be checking out Old Town in Albuquerque today.
I am taking some "art quilt inspiration" photos while I'm here. I got some of red chili peppers yesterday along with an interesting sculpture. I'm also going to see if there are any quilt shops in the area. Anybody know of any I should check out while I'm here?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Faux-Metal Sketchbook Cover

Monday, October 5, 2009
Return to Cedarhurst, a Bit on Quilt National, and a Studio Update