A Quick Studio Update + Kathy Loomis Art Quilt Class
First, a studio update....the floor was put down this past week. I'm really happy with it. It looks nice, has a little cushion, and should be easy to clean. My son-in-law who will be doing the finishing work has gone back to work full time (and is actually working some overtime now). It looks like the studio might not be finished till after the first of the year. Oh well...I'm thinking I will love it whenever it gets finished. Here is the latest picture.
I had the opportunity, along with a couple of my friends, to take an art quilt class (offered through LAFTA--Louisville Area Fiber and Textile Artists--for its members) with Kathy Loomis this past weekend in Louisville at the Fiber Arts Studio of U of L. I learned a lot in the class (even though I didn't get nearly enough finished on my piece). The class was only a four-hour class with some time spent discussing and critiquing. Here is Kathy...
She brought all the fabric we would need to begin an art quilt of our own design. She told us we could work from a sketch or from intuitive stitching (sewing and seeing where it takes us). The sketches were very small--about 2" square. We had our choice of any of the fabrics she brought.
I drew this little sketch. It is the pictoral version of a reoccurring dream I've had for quite some time. When (and if) I get it finished, I'll explain more about the meaning behind the quilt.
From this sketch, Kathy helped me find a way to execute the design. All of the quilt will be pieced except for the circles (which will be hand appliqued). When I got home, I drew out the design to size (larger than my beginning in this class) and figured out how I will piece it together. Now, all I have to do is find time to work on it.
My friends, Robin and Jane, also worked on quilts of their own. Robin was the overachiever in the class. She was the only one who had a finished quilt top by the end of class! 
Other members in the class were busy working on their pieces in the class.
I'd like to thank Kathy for generously giving her time (and fabric) for this class.
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