Update On "Stars for a New Day"--The Quilt Show Block of the Month Quilt
I have been diligently working on my block of the month quilt. I have added the "floater" border and the pinwheel border to the quilt. I am really liking it so far. It sure is a lot of piecing, though.
I also pieced more sawtooth stars for the final outer border. I have finished 35 stars (4" finished size)--only 37 more to go!!!!!!
Did you finish this? I have been searching the web on this quilt because I have been wanting to start it for a long time. Unfortunately my patterns went away with the computer crash of 2008. LOL!
If you have finished it I would appreciate the link to see the photo, you are doing a fabulous job.
Unfortunately, this is on my UFO list. I am taking it with me to the next guild retreat at the end of February (2011). I'll be sure to post a pic if it ever gets finished!
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