I'm a Bad, Bad Blogger!
Okay...my intentions were good...I took my camera to Quilters Day Out (Tri-State Quilt Day); however, I did not take one single picture! This is the problem with me dragging a camera everywhere I go; I just don't know what to take pictures of. I will try to do better when I attend the Chicago Quilt Show and the Paducah Quilt Show in April. As for Quilters Day Out...it was a really nice day--good show, nice quilts, great speakers, vendors, good location, nice mix of contemporary and traditional quilting (contemporary speaker showing her quilts; mostly traditional show and tell by local guilds)--all in all, a very nice day.
I'm excited about attending a wool felting class tomorrow. I know nothing about it and am anxious to learn something new. I'm hoping I can use it in some of the art quilt projects I have rambling around in my brain.
I mentioned that I would post a picture of the quilting designs I drew up for the latest UFO I'm working on...here they are.
I repeated the larger of the two designs in all four corners of the quilt--two were reversed. I used the smaller motif several times. I used the "deli-wrap method" of transferring my designs to the quilt. (See my Transferring Your Quilting Design to Your Quilt blog entry from January 2009.) That method worked very well for these quilting designs. I also machine quilted smaller "roses" in some of the smaller blocks of the quilt; I did those without predrawing them. I will be hand stitching the binding on the UFO Monday and will post a pic when I get one taken. Stay tuned......
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