This is my Amish Shadow Quilt. I have the top finished. It needs to be marked, layered, basted, quilted, and bound. I also have to cut the batting, backing, and binding.
Number 7
For UFO Number 7, I have to finish this Reindeer Table Runner and Lori Smith Bright Star Quilt. I have to add a skinny border and a wider border to the Reindeer Table Runner. I also will have to cut the backing and batting. Marking, layering, quilting, and binding will follow that. For the Bright Star Quilt, I have to cut the backing and binding. It will then have to marked, layered, quilted, and bound. (This is the project that has to be finished by January 15.)
Number 8
Number 8 consists of a Lori Smith Blue/Yellow Basket Quilt and a Lori Smith Half-Square Quilt. The basket quilt has to have the batting, backing, and binding cut and the marking, layering, basting, quilting, and binding done. The Half-Square Quilt already has the backing and batting cut. I have to cut the binding and mark, layer, quilt, then bind it.
Number 9
UFO Number 9 is my 4th of July-Red/White/Blue Quit. It is a quilt top that has been around for a LONG time. I don't have many 4th of July decorations, so I thought it might be good to finish this. The top is finished. I have to cut the backing, batting, and binding. I also have to mark it, layer it, quilt it, and bind it.
Number 10 is the quilt that is due last. We are supposed to work on our Number 10 project throughout the year (however, last year most of us waited till the last month to work on Number 10 anyway). This is supposedly the project that we think will take us the longest amount of time to complete. This is the largest of my projects and I'm thinking of hand quilting this quilt. That is why I put it last. To finish it in time, I'll HAVE to start it before the last month and work on it throughout the year. I used fusible web to attach the appliques long enough to hand buttonhole (blanket) stitch around each piece. I am having trouble deciding how to quilt this it, though. Any ideas? I'd appreciate any comments you might have. One possibility is echo quilting, but I'm not sure how I'll like that since the flower heads themselves are so close to each other.
Number 10
I was by myself when I took these pictures, so I didn't have anyone to help hold the quilts up. It was hard to get good pictures. I apologize that this picture isn't better.
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