I finished the dog rag quilt for my great nephew. Again, the pattern number is Simplicity 4993.
Here is a closeup of the face. It is a little hard to see the ears in the first picture.
Today I'll be working on making another rag quilt--this time from my own pattern. I'll be using some of all of my flannel scraps to make this quilt. It needs to be much smaller than these quilts, because it is for my youngest great niece. I'm thinking of making a quilt with squares and rectangles with 3-dimensional flowers scattered here and there. We'll see what I come up with.
Hi! I am currently cuting out the pieces for the dog quilt, and I'm hoping you can answer a question. I guess basically I'm confused on whether or not the quilt is raggy on the back too? Or once you sew the individual pieces with batting, do you sew the individual pieces together backside to backside so that when pressed both top and bottom pieces come through on the top?
Heather, the quilt is raggy only on the front. Put wrong sides together when you stitch the pieces together. This is an adorable quilt and will be much loved. If you have any more questions, just let me know. Good luck
Thank you soooo much for the answer. I'm actually making all three and hope to be done by Christmas to give to my three children,
Thank you soooo much for the answer. I'm actually making all three and hope to be done by Christmas to give to my three children,
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