I never gave it a thought that men with large heads and huge beards might have trouble finding masks that fit them. Well, that problem DOES exist. My niece recently contacted me to ask if I could make a mask for her husband. She said that when he wears a "regular" mask he looks like he has a duck bill and his friends are giving him a hard time about it.
I began the search for a pattern I might be able to use for him. There are a few out there, but I found this one to be the one I liked the best. If you need to make a mask like this, this is the pattern link--PATTERN; PATTERN INSTRUCTIONS. (You get a message when you click this--something about redirecting to a page. Click on the link, and it will take you to the PDF pattern.) This is the instruction video--VIDEO. (Watching this video made it A LOT easier.)
Here is the pic of Adam with the new mask. (He said he didn't want to mess up his beautiful beard, so he didn't put it inside the "beard pocket.) LOL!
Problem solved!
(I am not making masks for the general public. Do not contact me about making masks. I'm all masked out!)
Thank you so much for helping my Adam with his giant head and beautiful beard! Soooo much better! Love you! ❤️
Excellent and I know what you mean about being all masked out. I've make close to 1000.
How interesting! I never thought about beaded men and masks either! Good you shared this!!
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