
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gearing Up!

I'm gearing up for the big UFO drawing tomorrow--what will be chosen? I am unable to attend the Stitch & Bitch meeting where the new project will be chosen, so I have instructed my friends to email/call me to let me know which one is picked.

I've been trying to work on some of the ones that will take me the longest to finish. Last night I started working on the machine quilting of the Amish Shadow Quilt (in blog January UFO Chosen )--Number 6 in the UFO Challenge--just in case that one is picked. I always spend way more time machine quilting than I plan to. That one was not finished because I couldn't decide what quilting I wanted to do. I made those decisions last night, marked it, and started the quilting. Monday I finished my Red/White/Blue Table Runner. Maybe that one will be picked! There won't be much time in April to work on the project, because I'll be attending a quilt show in Chicago and the Paducah quilt show.

Yesterday, I spent some time pulling things (yarns, beads, pics, threads, etc.) I thought I might use on my felt piece. I have picked a horse cave drawing for the piece. Now, I'm looking for some linen thread to use to stitch it. The picture of the cave wall looks like the drawing was "scratched" into the wall rather than painted on the wall. I'm thinking the linen thread could mimic the etching. I thought I had some but haven't been able to find it--what a surprise!

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