
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Back to Work, a Big Win, and a Finish

In a previous post, I told you about falling and hurting my hand. Well, when I got back from Florida, my hand was still hurting; so I decided to have it checked out at the doctor's office. (I can't take a chance with my sewing hand!) He sent me for an x-ray and found that nothing was broken or cracked; it was sprained--4-6 more weeks of soreness but (thankfully) no cast. He said to take Aleve, use moist heat, and take it easy with it. Of course, my question was, "Will I hurt it if I work on some hand sewing?" He said I could do as much as I felt like doing. Yeah!!! So...since June 12th I have spent nearly 21 hours hand quilting. I think it actually makes my hand feel better. I tried cutting out fabric for my 365 Challenge blocks, but that really did hurt my hand. Needless to say, I'm pretty far behind on those now.

Now, on to my big win. I commented on Sarah Craig's blog, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and won an LED light base and three quilt light panels from the Classic Metal Company. I got to choose which panels I wanted and chose those you see below. Wooooohoooooo!!!

Each of the light panels is clear; the color comes from the led light in the base. You can chose the color you want your light panel to be from several different available colors or pick the option to run through all the colors. It is VERY cool. Thank you Sarah and Classic Metal Company. If you'd like one of these for your very own (or something else from The Classic Metal Company--like a metal quilt block for your house), check them out here.

I finished this month's game board for the Play with Me QAL. Alida's instructions are easy to follow, and it was a fun project. The game board for this month is called Ludo. I've never heard of it, but that is part of the fun with this QAL. Alida gives you instructions for the game board, instructions for the game pieces, and explains a bit about the game.

I used a black piece of fabric that was rather thick. I had a hard time pressing the seams to one side, but I think it turned out okay. I like the block and think it would make an interesting quilt.


  1. Love the pattern and colors in this piece! Sure glad your hand is starting down the path of getting is a bummer when our hands/wrists hurt! Take care and don't overdo!

  2. Love the game board! That's wonderful. I like the modules you chose for the lamp. Those might have been ones I'd choose, too! I plan to buy one in the next few months sometime. I really love the idea. I'm so glad nothing is broken in your hand, and quilting makes it feel better. =) 21 hours of quilting is quite a few!

  3. Эта работа мне очень нравится!
