
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Weekly Pattern Wednesday--Pattern 17

I am getting this post out really late on this Wednesday. I have copies of these patterns and had fully intended to show a colored version of this drawing. However, I have been on vacation in the Northeast and haven't had time--one of these days...

I was thinking of sun and surf when I drew this up (sun, surf, innertubes, and beach towels).

Here is a picture from my vacation. I ate enough lobster to almost make me sick. This bad boy weighed in at 3 1/2 pounds. I certainly enjoyed him. Maybe he'll be the inspiration for a future drawing!

As usual, I'll try to link up with Lynn Krawczyky's Weekly Pattern Wednesday. I checked her Facebook page, but didn't see a place to link up yet. I guess her website/blog is still having server issues.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Weekly Pattern Wednesday--Pattern 16

I've been trying to come up with a piece to make for a SAQA exhibit at the Indianpolis Museum of Art next year. The theme is a contemporary take on Marie Webster's quilts. Thre really isn't much about Marie Webster's quilts that inspires my current artistic path. However, I decided I would look at elements in her work that I might be able to use. I found a quilt of hers with a border I like--just the border.

This week's pattern was inspired by that border and a piece of art I saw in a museum. Sadly, I'm not sure what museum it was, and I'm not sure of the artist either. I want to say the artist is Ai Wei Wei, because I think I remember commenting that it didn't look like his other work. Maybe I'm wrong. (If you know the artist, please let me know.) Here is my photo of the piece in the museum.

Here is my drawing in black and white.
I even did this one in color. I definitely think this drawing has potential. It has inspired me to start a piece based on it. At first, I didn't like the orange piece that looks like it is dropping off the left edge, but it has grown on me. I think it actually makes it more interesting.
I'm thinking I might try making this in purples and greens (similar to the color scheme used in Marie Webster's border). I've only used those colors on one other quilt I have made (one for my Mom when she was in the nursing home used to decorate her room there). I really liked the quilt once it was finished.
As usual, I'm linking up with Lynn Krawczyky's Weekly Pattern Wednesday on her Facebook page. Check out the other participants there.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

YouTube Sensation--I Think Not!

I just found out yesterday that my Quilt Alliance video from this year's Sacred Threads Exhibition has been posted. It is a part of the "Go Tell It at the Quilt Show" project. Here is the link to my video describing the quilt I made about my Mom--Final Separation video. Keep in mind, as you view it, that I was a nervous wreck. I knew it would be really hard for me to talk about; it is a VERY emotional subject for me. All in all, it didn't turn out too badly, and I'm happy the story will be documented for future generations.

Here is a little story about the making of the video. (I want to mention this to "officially" set the record straight. You will know what I'm speaking of once you read the story.) Right before the videographer came to tape, I was speaking with a visitor to the exhibit. We had been discussing my piece and my art in general. I had just mentioned to her that I had worked with Jane Dunnewold in an Advanced Independent Study Workshop in 2012 when I had to stop the discussion to tape the segment. You might not have noticed (because I'm sure it doesn't really matter to you) but, I mentioned the year of my Mother's death in the segment. I said she died in 2012; she actually died in 2010. I KNOW she died in 2010; but between the discussion about Jane Dunnewold's workshop being in 2012 and my nerves, I flubbed the date on the tape. I know it isn't important to anyone else and it doesn't matter to the story, but it makes a difference to me. you know the rest of the story!

Other Quilt Alliance videos from the 2015 Sacred Threads Exhibition are available here. Check them out; they are really interesting. I might add that most of the artists are WAY more composed in their video than I was.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Weekly Pattern Wednesday--Pattern 15

This week's drawing was inspired by a piece of art glass I saw. I think this kind of looks like an outerspace creature. All I need to do is add some eyes on long antennae. I would have posted a color picture along with a black and white, but I didn't have time to do the coloring (which, by the way, I would LOVE to do).

As usual, I'm linking up with Lynn Krawczyky's Weekly Pattern Wednesday on her Facebook page. Check out the other participants there.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Owl Project Update

I'm still busy working on my piece for a child advocacy center in Louisville. I was totally blocked as to what I would make and started looking through some coloring book pages for inspiration. I love how whimsical and "sleepy" the owl looks, and the little bluebird makes me happy. The owl is made of wool and is hand stitched. The bluebird is made of fabric handstitched with embroidery stitches to Eco-felt. The leaves are two pieces of wool stitched together with embroidery stitches. I thought two layers would give the leaves a bit more depth. I picked up the fabric for the tree from a LAFTA meeting (a giveaway). I painted it (it was too light) and hand blanket stitched it to the background.

I'll be adding embroidered musical notes for the bluebird and begin the quilting as soon as I can get to it. Check back if you'd like to see the progress.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Weekly Pattern Wednesday--Pattern 14

I was inspired to do this drawing by a call for entry from a magazine for a textile piece featuring fictional animals. My original plan was to actually MAKE a fiber piece using this design; however, I only got as far as the drawing. At some point, I think it WILL actually become a textile piece. (I have a dog design I might show you at some time too.)

As usual, I'm linking up with Lynn Krawczyky's Weekly Pattern Wednesday. Head on over and check out the other patterns. (For a few weeks, Lynn has done her "link up" on Facebook. You can find her page here.)

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials Blog Hop

I follow Cristy Fincher's blog over at Purple Daisies Quilting. (For those of you who don't know, Cristy is Sharon Schamber's daughter. Her blog is called "Sew Much Like Mom."), as I was browsing my favorite blogs, I saw that she mentioned a Back to School Blog Hop. It started on September 1, 2015, so you haven't really missed much yet. For this blog hop there is nothing to make and nothing to print out. This blog hop is a good way to brush up on some quilting skills and maybe learn some new tips and tricks along the way. There looks to be a great line up of sewing/quilting pros to share their expertise. Each day from September 1-October 3, 2015, a new topic will be presented. (That's A LOT of information!) She says the hop is hosted by Sam Hunter of Hunter's Design Studio. You should check out both of these blogs if you get a chance. Either of these links will take you to the full lineup of upcoming informational blog posts.

These are just SOME of the topics I'm really looking forward to. (I have already checked out "So, Does that Diagonal Method for a Pieced Backing Really Work." It was VERY informative.)

  • Color coding for paper piecing--September 4.
  • How to keep a perfect 1/4" seam between different machines--September 7.
  • Fast pieced applique--September 8.
  • Make a mobile art kit--September 10.
  • Zipper tips--September 12.

As I typed out these first five, I realized there are WAY too many topics I'm interested in to list them all here. Maybe this small peek at my "must-see" list will entice you to check it out. Which topic are you looking forward to the most?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Weekly Pattern Wednesday--Pattern 13/Pin Cushions

This week's drawing was inspired by an art glass vase. I loved the design of the vase and had cut the picture out and put it in my "inspiration" book.

As usual, I'm linking up with Lynn Krawczyky's Weekly Pattern Wednesday. Head on over and check out the other patterns. (Lynn has forgotten to do the link up for a couple of weeks. She has a lot going on right now. So, if you head to her site and don't find the patterns, check back.)

I LOVE pin cushions. I think a whole basket full of pin cushions is a GREAT (and useful) decoration for a sewing studio. If you are a fan of pin cushions like me, there is a "pin cushion party" you should check out. Amanda Jean over at Crazy Mom Quilts Blog is hosting this party. It started on September 1, 2015, so you haven't missed much yet. (Amanda Jean has a new fabric line available, and the pin cushions are made using this line.) It looks like a good line; I definitely "need" some and bet you do too!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

EQ Row-by-Row (EQ not Required)

Marian Pena is hosting a Seasons Row-A-Long! (It starts today--September 1, 2015.) I checked it out today, and it looks fantastic. 20 great quilt designers are creating quilt rows which you can mix and match to make your very own row-by-row quilt. There are some Electric Quilt tutorials available, but don't despair if you don't have EQ. The designers are also providing PDF patterns/instructions for you. It looks like there will be lots of great prizes. You might even win a copy of EQ7. If you are interested in taking a look, click here.