
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Weekly Pattern Wednesday--Pattern 13/Pin Cushions

This week's drawing was inspired by an art glass vase. I loved the design of the vase and had cut the picture out and put it in my "inspiration" book.

As usual, I'm linking up with Lynn Krawczyky's Weekly Pattern Wednesday. Head on over and check out the other patterns. (Lynn has forgotten to do the link up for a couple of weeks. She has a lot going on right now. So, if you head to her site and don't find the patterns, check back.)

I LOVE pin cushions. I think a whole basket full of pin cushions is a GREAT (and useful) decoration for a sewing studio. If you are a fan of pin cushions like me, there is a "pin cushion party" you should check out. Amanda Jean over at Crazy Mom Quilts Blog is hosting this party. It started on September 1, 2015, so you haven't missed much yet. (Amanda Jean has a new fabric line available, and the pin cushions are made using this line.) It looks like a good line; I definitely "need" some and bet you do too!


  1. Lynn is now just posting to her FaceBook page vs the web. You can see her weekly pattern here:

  2. Oh and this pattern is really good!!! You need to make a stamp from it!

  3. Thanks for the pincushion link. I do love that zentangle pattern. It almost looks like a pincushion itself! That would be kind of a fun quilting design.
