I just found out yesterday that my Quilt Alliance video from this year's Sacred Threads Exhibition has been posted. It is a part of the "Go Tell It at the Quilt Show" project. Here is the link to my video describing the quilt I made about my Mom--Final Separation video. Keep in mind, as you view it, that I was a nervous wreck. I knew it would be really hard for me to talk about; it is a VERY emotional subject for me. All in all, it didn't turn out too badly, and I'm happy the story will be documented for future generations.
Here is a little story about the making of the video. (I want to mention this to "officially" set the record straight. You will know what I'm speaking of once you read the story.) Right before the videographer came to tape, I was speaking with a visitor to the exhibit. We had been discussing my piece and my art in general. I had just mentioned to her that I had worked with Jane Dunnewold in an Advanced Independent Study Workshop in 2012 when I had to stop the discussion to tape the segment. You might not have noticed (because I'm sure it doesn't really matter to you) but, I mentioned the year of my Mother's death in the segment. I said she died in 2012; she actually died in 2010. I KNOW she died in 2010; but between the discussion about Jane Dunnewold's workshop being in 2012 and my nerves, I flubbed the date on the tape. I know it isn't important to anyone else and it doesn't matter to the story, but it makes a difference to me. So...now you know the rest of the story!
Other Quilt Alliance videos from the 2015 Sacred Threads Exhibition are available here. Check them out; they are really interesting. I might add that most of the artists are WAY more composed in their video than I was.
I thought you did an awesome job describing your quilt. Of course you were going to show some emotion....that's an emotional quilt and why it was chosen to be a part of the show. You have every reason to be proud of this and all your creations.
ReplyDeleteI think you did a fine job. Don't worry about how you came across. It is great that you could show how important this piece is to you.