
Friday, September 18, 2020

Fractured Finished (2)

In my last post, I wrote about working on a quilt I called Fractured. Well, IT IS FINISHED! As I'm writing this, it is in the washing machine. I finished hand stitching the binding last night. First, let me show you all the "help" I had while stitching that binding. 

What is it about quilts that cats like SO much? Every time I took a break from working on it, I had to shoo a cat off of it!

I took the quilt (minus the binding) outside to take a photo, so here is the "finished" quilt.
I fretted about the quilting (even though I knew it wouldn't show too much), and decided upon script--making it a diary entry of sorts. It tells a short story of the quilt and these times. I explain in the quilting that the three Xs in the quilt represent loss for me--Nate (my husband), my Dad, and my stepmother. I lost Dad in 2018, Helen (my stepmother) about two months later, Nate was diagnosed with cancer in the fall of 2018, he died in June of 2019. I remember thinking (at the end of each year) that the next year would HAVE to be better. Then, a global pandemic hit! I felt broken, but kept in mind that a fracture can mend--it takes time, but it WILL mend. 

Here are a couple of closeups of the quilting. You can read it if you look closely. 

When I wrote about the pandemic, I thought it would be pertinent for me to include some statistics about the virus. The quilting contains COVID statistics--globally, United States, Indiana, and Dubois County--on the day the quilt was quilted. 

It scares me a little bit to put this out there, but SURELY 2021 will be better! 


  1. Just beautiful... really make you think about all you've been through but that also means what you've overcome... love you friend 💓

  2. Oh Beth. I love the story behind this quilt. It is so special! I tear up thinking of all you’ve been through. It’s a beautiful quilt. ❤️

  3. Beautiful quilt and a lovely way to heal. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. What fabulous work. It seems every element of making this quilt was considered and unified not to mention it is beautiful. Great work, great job, great quilt.

  5. Cats just know where and what comfort is. A lap and a quilt is make it perfect...

  6. Beautiful quilt, visually and soulfully.

  7. What a work of art! Did you hand quilt or machine quilt? Great job either way. The story is as wonderful as the quilt. The kitties seem to love your talent also.
