
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

It Has Been a Long Time

It has been such a long time since I posted to this blog. After Nate (my husband) died, I had a hard time concentrating--getting started on anything. Now, with this COVID situation, I find myself in much the same mindset. I have more time, but I am having trouble concentrating on anything. Are you having trouble too?

I have been sewing--"mindless" sewing. I have been collecting used dryer sheets for some time. I wanted to make a scrap quilt using those saved dryer sheets. (I've used all I have and could use more.) I used them as a foundation to make these "blocks." I am playing with them on my design wall right now. This is one of the options I'm looking at.

I have also been working on a postage stamp quilt. I've always wanted to make one of those. I have my sewing machine set up in my living room, so I can sew a little bit on these blocks whenever I have a minute or two.

Some of my quilting friends and I have been having virtual quilt meetings every Friday via Zoom. I suggested we do a quilt together, and some of them decided to do it with me. Well, I got carried away and finished my top early. 

It was an easy and fun quilt to do and seemed really appropriate for these times. (I've said my home feels like my sanctuary. My neighbors have made this "isolation" bearable.) It is free pattern offered by Moda and Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. called Village. If you click on the link, it should take you to a copy of the free pattern for you to download if you are interested.

I'll show you some more of what I've been up to in subsequent posts. What have you all been doing?


  1. So glad to see your blog again! I know this past year has been hard for you. I'm so glad you started the Zoom meetings! I've enjoyed them and will see you Friday. I've worked ahead on my quilt, too...

  2. I was just wondering about you the other day... glad to see you are surfacing! You got a double whammy of life change. Making a new life is definitely a pause moment and yours was doubled. I have never been so happy to have moved... the farm has offered us a refuge from the whole pandemic thing. Plenty to do and no public to watch out for, other than groceries... shopping has been nil. Hugs!

  3. Glad to see you 'back at it'....this "new life" is one we didn't ask for but we have to learn to adjust don't we. Your work so far is spot on! Back in the saddle again and good for you!!!

  4. I have thought of you often and prayed you were hanging in there. Glad to see you have finally posted. Finding a new normal for you, hopefully, will get a little easier each day. I have joined a senior group that makes kids quilts and donates to three Indiana children's hospitals. Not finding alot of kiddie patterns that I like and I don't like the traditional adult quilts for kids. Need to be more fun! Hope to see more of your work soon.

  5. Glad you're back blogging! I am trying to finish 2 large quilts for a September deadline. After that I want to just play around and experiment for awhile. Find the next step. Also, I do have several smaller quilt tops that need to be quilted, so I'll try to do those for our LAFTA Unfinished Projects Challenge. So glad I have a creative outlet during this time of no travel and no lots of things I used to love, like being with grandkids!
