
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Meet Macy

Warning—this is NOT quilt or art related. 

Most of you that kept up with my life for the last nine months know the story of my new kitten, but for those of you that don’t here goes...

When Nate was in hospice, I told him I didn’t know what I’d do about picking out a new kitten/cat without him. (The cat I have is 15 years old; I love that cat. It would be really hard on me to be without her.) That was because he picked Libby (the best cat I’ve ever had). I have had two cats before Libby (that I picked). I loved both of them, but they were REALLY ornery cats. I definitely would not have picked Libby; she really seemed “ordinary” to me. As a matter of fact, I had another kitten picked out. Nate said, “You can have that kitten, but we are taking this one home.” Well, I acquiesced to his choice—one of the best decisions I’ve EVER made. Libby is smart, pretty, loving, doesn’t eat thread or needles, doesn’t bother my sewing supplies, doesn’t jump on tables or bars, etc. She’s a good one.

Nate and I had a lot of time to talk before he died. I knew it was going to be hard for me without him, so I asked him to please be around me if he could. Of course, he said (if he had any control over things) he would. Now comes the story of my new kitten, Macy.

One evening (about a week after Nate had passed), my sister and I were enjoying the nice weather by sitting out on my front porch. My neighbors were taking a walk up the street in front of my house. Suddenly, there was a little kitten at their feet. My sister and I had been sitting on the porch for awhile and had seen no kitten. My neighbors said they saw no kitten until it appeared at their feet. I haven’t seen any cats in our neighborhood for years. This tiny kitten walked up my driveway and made itself right at home on my porch. (This kitten is a “dead ringer” for my Libby.) We gave her some food and water; she ate every bite and lapped up the water quickly. She was REALLY thirsty and hungry. As soon as she ate, she jumped on my lap and fell asleep.

The kitten was so young that we couldn’t tell if it was a male or female. I told my sister that if Nate had anything to do with sending this kitten he would definitely not have sent a male. (I had told him I would never have another male cat.) Well, I took her to the vet the next day and found out the kitten is a female. 

I have “told” Nate his timing could have been better, but I do think he had a hand in sending Macy to me. He “killed two birds with one stone,”—he is close to me, and I’ll have Macy after Libby goes to the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you Nate.


  1. Beautiful!!! and a friend to boot! The new place has 7 kittens... and not hand tamed. I am working on them... but I'm afraid I can't keep 7, this place doesn't need 7 mousers.

  2. What a sweet story and Miss Macy looks like a happy cat.

  3. Of course he sent her. He knew u would need a part of him there with you.

  4. Aww! Sweet, sweet story! Enjoy your new kitty, Beth.

  5. Love your story and I get it how Macy just appeared.

  6. My husband had a similar experience. When his first wife died suddenly a puppy and a kitten came into his life unexpectedly. When he had them vet checked he was told they were both born within three days of his wife's passing. He's sure she sent them.

  7. What a heartwarming story. I'm sure she will be a comfort for you.

  8. I believe in events like this! So glad Nate is and always will be in your life...Macy is a doll!

  9. Yes, I believe he did. She's such a little cutie, too. Of course!
