
Sunday, July 29, 2018

This and That

I have a whole lot of miscellaneous stuff to share with you in this post--a little catching up, a little show and tell, and a personal pic or two.

I have been working on my Kingfisher hexagon quilt. I have all the hexagon flowers hand appliquéd to the diamonds and all the setting triangles cut. I'm hoping to get this center section sewn together in the next couple of days. After that, two borders will be added--one of those having some appliquéd triangles added as embellishment.
Here are some "progress" pics. The first one is an example of "fussy cutting." I took the second picture of some hexies with my day lilies. The third is a pic of what it looked like when I was working on most of the appliqué--on the road. Thanks for driving Nate!

I have also been working on my "forever" hexagon project. I finished hand appliquéing the entire quilt to the ombre background just last night.
Libby makes it a challenge to work on it some days. There isn't room for her AND the quilt in my lap.
I had a chance to visit the Form Not Function exhibit at the Carnegie in New Albany, IN, before it closed. This is always a fantastic show--one I don't miss if I can help it. I didn't have anything ready to even TRY to get in this year, but one of my friends got in. I want to share her pic with you. This is my friend, Vickie Wheatley, with her piece called Anxieties #1: Imperfections. Congrats Vickie!
Stitch & Bitch was at my house this week. Three of the members are participating in a UFO Challenge. Each month they draw to determine which of their pieces has to be finished by the next meeting. One of the members from the UFO group was unable to attend, so I don't have a pic of her piece, but Jane and Mary Lou showed theirs.

I have visited my sister in Memphis and my son's family in Arkansas since my last post. My granddaughter turned five, so (of course) we had to be there for her birthday. She posed here with her new bicycle.
Here she is with her new unicorn backpack, lunchbox, and pencil pouch. She'll be going to kindergarten and MUST have the most fashionable accessories for those that have just turned five. LOL!


  1. Your Kingfisher hexagon quilt is is your FOREVER hex project...I just love that one. I'm starting another hex project...hard to stay away isn't it!

  2. Wow... that hexie quilt (new one) is awesome!!! Me not so much sewing going on. Lots of Internet issues... getting in my way. However one huge hurdle has been put behind me. New store is launching tomorrow. Still a bit of work to get done today.....tho.

  3. I was surprised that you started another Hex project. whew, you are a glutton for punishment. I love both of them. Your helper is a cutie. She baptizes your works with her special love fur. Your sweet Granddaughter is a doll. I love the going back to school ritual of purchasing new stuff. I sort of miss that. Love your friends quilts. They are all great.

  4. Adorable granddaughter. I have a 5 year old granddaughter too. She starts Kindergarten this month. I can’t believe it!
    Thanks for the shout out on Form Not Function. It was a thrill to be part of that. I’m working on a couple of different quilts with the black and white element in them, but it seems to be taking forever.
    I am AMAZED at the amount and variety and complexity of the fiber art work you create...beautiful!
