
Friday, January 19, 2018

1st Retreat of 2018—Nashville, IN

I just got back from my first retreat of the year. Friends from several different states meet in Nashville, Indiana, for this retreat. It is so much fun to catch up with everyone. This year, the weather was a little questionable with bad weather right before we were supposed to go and more snow while we were there. 
Most of the quilters at this retreat are very traditional quilters. They are VERY supportive of what I do, though. I appreciate that very much. We have a Show & Tell night, so I have lots of pictures to share.

I showed my “In the Eye of the Hurricane” (which I’m still working on—at this retreat, I cut the foundation fabric from the spikey edges of the quilt), I put together my Train Car quilt blocks, and I finished a quilt top made from HOT Kaffe fabrics. I also made another kennel quilt. (I didn’t take a picture of that.)
Here are some other pics from the retreat.
(Debby’s Urban Abacus, Sue’s Bunny Town block, Bernice’s Falling Stars, and Cathy’s pants for her granddaughter’s doll)
(Sue’s Belle Meade quilt and Barb’s “improv” quilt—her own design)
(Bernice’s TN quilt blocks, Teresa’s wool appliqué, Jean’s charity quilts)
(Sherry’s baby quilt, Susan’s purple baby quilt, Della’s basket quilt and block for a new quilt)
(Teresa’s quilt, Karen’s blocks for a quilt called Sangria (I think.), Mary’s rail fence quilt top, and Mary Tim’s blue and white quilt blocks)
(Mary Tim’s autumn quilt block and tote, Cathy’s African Star quilt and purple modern quilt)
(Annette’s brown quilt, modern log cabin quilt, and Urban Abacus quilt top; Lavana’s autumn-colored quilt)
(Lavana’s small sampler quilt top, Cora’s heart quilt—beautiful batiks, Rebecca’s patriotic block, Barb’s quilt)
(Barb’s sampler quilt, Cathy’s robe for her doll, Karen and Sue with their Bunny Town blocks, and Rebecca with her new quilt top)

I had a wonderful time at this retreat—I loved catching up/visiting friends, doing a bit of shopping, and getting some work done. I can’t wait till the next one!


  1. I love that you named all the quilts and asides. It is fascinating all the different patterns, quilts and other projects that come out of these workshops.

  2. Always enjoy seeing your wonderful work...and seeing your retreat mates work as well!!! And what did you end up buying this trip!

  3. Those are some busy ladies!!! Looks like a fun and diverse Retreat!!!

  4. Looks like the first retreat for the year was a bang! Loved seeing everyone's projects and completions! If you had access to windows while you were in the sewing room, I'm sure it was lovely looking out at the snow while you were warm and having fun sewing. So when's the next retreat?

  5. I always love seeing your retreat pictures. Looks like a nice blend of modern and traditional on this outing, but some outliers, like you, make it even more interesting!
