
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

23rd Annual Juried Art Exhibition at Krempp Gallery

I mentioned in an earlier post that I had a piece juried into an exhibit here in Jasper, IN, at the Krempp Gallery held during the month of September. Well, yesterday I finally had a chance to see the exhibit.

This show is an "all-media" show. There was only one fiber piece in the entire show (as often happens in exhibits like this)--mine...

My piece, "Then We Pray"

This piece ("Residuum" which was labeled "mixed media") by Gweneth Dunleavy. I would consider it a fiber entry too (although she didn't list it as such in her description).

There was sculpture

(Top--"Aquagirl," limestone, by Eric Harmon; Middle--"Pseudochlea," foam and fiberglass, by Bob Zasadny; Bottom--"Hyperbolic Parabolids," foam and fiberglass, by Bob Zasadny)

(Left--"Crossing Over," mixed media, by Pamela Deaton; Right--"Safe Haven," mixed media, by Pamela Deaton)

and LOTS and LOTS of drawing and oil painting (again typical for an "all-media" exhibit).

(Top Left--"Southwestern," Honorable Mention, oil, by Wyatt LeGrand; I didn't get the name of the apple painting; "Great Gray Pumpkin," Honorable Mention, acrylic on canvas, by Kathy Houghton; Left Middle--"Shop Talk," pastel, by Laura Pommier; Bottom Left--"Building Demolition," Honorable Mention, oil on canvas, by Todd Snyder; Right--both pieces by Charlene Jobe, oil on linen)
I think it is always interesting to see what the juror chooses for awards. The top left was given an "Award of Excellence," the top right was given an "Award of High Honor," and the bottom was given the "Best of Show."

(Top Left--"Sentinel," oil on canvas; Top Right--"Shenandoah: Daughter of the Stars," oil on canvas; Bottom-"Sisterhood," pastel, by Laura Pommier)

Of course, I haven't shown you nearly ALL of the exhibit. If you'd like to see it in person, it will be open through September 30th, 2016. The Krempp Gallery (in Jasper, IN) is open Monday-Friday-8:30 am-5:00 pm, Thursday's- 8:30 am-7:00 pm, and Sunday's-Noon-3:00 pm.


  1. This looks like fun. I hope to get there some day soon.

  2. The pieces you did show are amazing in many definitions of the word. I like that yours is the only one labeled a fiber art. You represent the fiber artist well. Thanks for sharing the pictures and a little explanation with us.
