
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Weekly Pattern Wednesday--Pattern 12

This week I'm back to my black and white drawings. I REALLY like color, but I love the starkness of black and white. This drawing was inspired by a beautiful sunset. Because the drawing is black and white, you can use your imagination to invision the colors that are most beautiful to you. Think of the most gorgeous sunset you have ever seen, print out this drawing, and fill in the colors! Enjoy.

As usual, I'm linking up with Lynn Krawczyky's Weekly Pattern Wednesday. Head on over and check out the other patterns. (Lynn has forgotten to do the link up for a couple of weeks. She has a lot going on right now. So, if you head to her site and don't find the patterns, check back.)



  1. I love zentangles. You have captured the sunset in B&W.

  2. Guess Lynn is showing her work(s) on Facebook vs blog/web..some issues going on. This one of yours is GREAT! Yep..b/w is the bet isn't it!

  3. Oh, I love this! All that spikiness is delightful, and alternating with the curves - it's so appealing. I'm glad you are doing this project. =)
