
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Weekly Pattern Wednesday--Number One

My blogging friend, Robbie, from Robbie's Paw Prints blog suggested I participate in Weekly Pattern Wednesday posts over at Lynn Krawczyk's blog called Smudged Textiles Studio. I have patterns "dancing" in my head, so I thought it might be a good way to MAKE me get them down in a sketchbook. I have drawn four of them so far, and one of them has some potential to become a piece of fiber art. Here is my first drawing.

It is not my favorite, but it is a start. As you can see, I'm committing to doing a hundred of these little drawings. Hopefully, I can stick with it. Why don't you join us?



  1. Now this is cool!!!! Very cool!!!! I'm so glad you're participating!!!

  2. Hi Beth- You're certainly off to a great start with your patterns! Love the contrast of the bold "U"s and the small circles. Can't wait to see what you make next week!

  3. I'll enjoy seeing yours, but a pencil in my hand only makes stick figures. =) Your design looks very modern and I can see it in a purse or a wild skirt paired with a bright red blouse, or several other applications.

  4. I love the contrast of the larger shapes with the smaller ones - awesome! :) ~ Lynn
