
Friday, October 3, 2014

Quilt Hugs and Kandinsky

Sometimes a simple quilt can give a hug when you can't be there.

My little granddaughter kept her new quilt close by when she got home and took it along with her to the hospital when she had her tonsils taken out.

I just got back from Nashville where my husband and I went to this exhibit at the Frist--it is a "MUST-SEE." There are more Kandinsky pieces here than I have ever seen in one place. Viewing his art in person literally brings me to tears. Thank you Sharon for bringing this exhibit to my attention. If you can manage a trip to Nashville, Tennessee before January 4, PLEASE go to this exhibit. It is FABULOUS!


1 comment:

  1. Awwww. Your granddaughter looks so vulnerable there. So sweet. I will have to look up this artist. I am not sure who it is. Lucky you to get to see the exhibit tho.
