
Sunday, June 22, 2014

New Cap

I know it has been awhile, but I have been on the road most of the spring and summer. Traveling with my husband, going to quilt shows (Paducah and Chicago), a family vacation with my kids and ALL my grandchildren, babysitting with my grandson, and traveling to Arkansas to visit my son and his family have made trips to my studio far too infrequent. I AM working on some pieces--another "extreme" embroidery piece, a quilt to hand quilt for my granddaughter, a quilt for my daughter, and a quilt for a friend who had a fire at her home. All of these are in various stages of completion.

Today, I worked on my new baseball cap. It was plain white when I bought it, and (of course) I can't have that! I decorated it with some of my Zentangles, and I sure like it better.

Drawing my "doodles" is really relaxing. Give it a try.