
Monday, January 6, 2014

Enormous Stash!

I have been primarily been working on "art" quilts for the last couple of years. As much as I like doing something totally original, I need to do something else. I have an ENORMOUS stash and I LOVE scrap quilts, so I've decided to work on quilts that will use up some of my stash fabrics that are not really appropriate to use for art quilts.

I have started working on a quilt (pattern from Kaye England) called Bordered Nine Patch. You can find the pattern here if you are interested. The instructions are clear and the pattern is really easy to follow. I put the blocks up on the design wall as I finish each one, so I can see the overall pattern. Working on this quilt is addictive; I can't seem to stop. I like the rhythm (Zen-like state) I enter when I sew patchwork. Ahhhhhhhhh....

I'm also working on a T-shirt quilt for my new grandson. (He is 10.) His favorite teams are the Saint Louis Cardinals and the Atlanta Braves, so I combined the two for the top of the quilt. I didn't use batting and backed the T-shirt material with fleece. (I used a light-weight fusible interfacing to stabilize the fabric before I cut the squares out of the T-shirt material.) I sewed it together using the "rag quilt" method. I think he'll love it. Here is what I have finished, so far.

With the fleece on the back, it is really soft and warm. They didn't have enough baseball-themed fleece at our local store, so I'm finishing it off with some solid-colored fleece that I had on hand.

It is REALLY cold here. -2 was our high today! This is how we are all feeling around here. The ONLY good thing about it is that I get to stay in and sew!


1 comment:

  1. My stash is weighing down on me, it's nice to know that I'm not alone! I vowed not to buy any new fabric, but my daughter is having another baby in April and sent me a bunch of new stuff in the colors she wants and I am making blankets and a crib bumper set with them, so of course I'll have leftovers...
