
Friday, February 15, 2013

Ice Dyeing

I finally had a chance to do some ice dyeing. I wanted to experiment a bit by starting with DRY soda ash soaked fabric. I have seen what beginning with wet fabric looks like and wanted to see what would happen if I tried it with dry fabric. I covered my fabrics with ice sprinkled with dye powder.

Here are two of the fabrics before dyeing. The piece on the left is a "wipe-up" rag. The fabric on the right is an OLD calico fabric that I really hated. I thought any kind of dyeing would help it.

Here is what they looked like after ice dyeing.

These are some commercial fabrics I wanted to experiment with.
After dyeing...
This is a flour-paste resist piece before dyeing.
This is after dyeing. I used fire engine red, rust orange, and bronze dyes.

Another piece of flour-paste resist before...

and after... I used rust, bronze, pumpkin spice, and golden yellow dyes for this one.

This is the only "plain" piece I dyed. It was just a plain white to start with.

If you'd like to see my set up for ice dyeing and find out why I didn't get that "crystal-like" effect that usually occurs with ice dyeing, check out my post on the Fire blog.

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