
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wedding Gift

My son married a wonderful woman this past weekend. Their wedding was a "destination wedding" to Las Vegas so a wedding gift had to be small enough to fit in their luggage. I thought about it for a long time and decided to draw them a picture. I finished it the day before we flew out and only had a day to get it framed. Luckily, one of my friends owns a great little shop called Elements. She did a really nice, really fast framing job for me. I'm happy with how it turned out. (Thanks Kathy!)

Ryan and Tara liked it and told me tonight that they have it up on their mantle. If you take a closer look at the picture (by clicking in it) you will notice the heart with the four small red hearts in it. Those hearts represent Tara's children; she has four. Over the weekend I gained a new grandson and three new granddaughters. I'm excited!


  1. Congrats to your son, his new wife and to both families. :)

  2. Congratulations!! We acquired one granddaughter through our son's marriage, and she is a joy. Now you will have that times four!

  3. Very nice piece! And congratulations!

  4. Terrific wedding gift idea, beautifully done!

  5. Congrats! and great idea for a gift!!

  6. Congratulations to your son and have a happy marriage life. You have made a really nice gift for your son, it show that how much you love your son.
