
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Terrific Tutorial Tuesday!--Burying Thread Ends

I have decided that on Tuesdays I will be posting some of the tutorials I have found to be very helpful to me. Today, I'm listing tutorials on burying thread ends.

First, let me say that I am a "lazy" hand quilter. I HATE to end my line of quilting, so I push it as far as I can. The problem with doing that is that sometimes I end up with hardly enough thread to tie a knot and pull it through to the middle layers. I think what I learned from these methods will definitely help me with this problem. Each of these methods could be used for hand or machine quilting.

I first found this tutorial on Art with a Needle (a blog written by Kathy Loomis). Kathy shows the method she uses and the method Robbie Joy Eklow uses. Both methods make quick work of efficiently burying your threads. A YouTube video by K. Grace Howes (Red Barn Studios) of Robbie's method is on Serendipity and the Art of the Quilt.

If you think you'll find these tutorials useful, let me know by leaving a comment. If you have a tutorial that you find really helpful, share it with me in a comment. I'll check it out, and you may see it featured on a Tutorial Tuesday.


  1. How did you know that I was just scratching my head trying to remember where I saw this special method of burying threads ?? Thanks so much for posting these links ;-))

  2. I found that video by K. Grace Howes about 2 years ago and finally learned how to bury my thread tails, and have used it ever since!
