
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Making a Bit of Progress

FYI--I'm still having some issues with getting signed into my blog on my laptop. I can get in to view my blog, but I can't sign in to post. That makes it much more difficult for me to get an entry posted since I'm on the run most of the time. Hmmmmm.

I hope you got in on the big give-away at "And Then We Set It On Fire." Good luck to those of you who did. Also be sure to check out the technique for this month--screen printing. Check it out here--

I have committed to doing ten (or more) exercises in Jane Dunnewold's "Finding Your Own Visual Language" book. These exercises will be used in my independent study class I'm taking with her. I have to have something to bring for a critique session in September. Since I don't have a "body of work," this is what I will be bringing. We'll see how that goes; I'll keep you updated. You could even do the exercises with me--I'd LOVE company.

I am currently working on a piece I've had for a long time. It is a happy piece--something I need right now. It is large, though, so it will take quite some time. Here it is on my design wall.
This is a close up of the part I have done. I have a little beading to finish on it yet. The little pieces are fused, the big pieces are machine appliqued, and there is a little embroidery on it.
I also am doing some hand work on a gift...shhhhh, it is a secret. I can't show a picture until after it is given. What are you all working on these days?

I'm thinking of having a give-away (or two) myself. I am not doing much traditional work any more; so for my traditional quilter friends, I'm thinking of giving away a couple of patterns. What do you think?

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