
Friday, March 18, 2011

Improvisational Stitching

I am doing some "improvisational stitching" that I'm really enjoying. I'm not sure exactly where I will go with it, but I can "lose myself" when I stitch on it. I'm sure I will be adding this piece (probably along with some others) to a larger piece of fabric. I may even audition some of my discharge shibori pieces--not sure yet. Suggestions?
The background fabric comes from Home Depot. There were two HUGE pieces (approximately 96" X 134") in the package for $9 (on sale). It was sold for use as a "canvas" drop cloth. It is a primitive looking cloth--a rough linen(ish) fabric. It is fairly soft to the feel, though, after washing and drying. I have added some beads, wool, silk, dryer sheets, and rubber shelf liner along with some hand stitching. I have also "wrapped" a pipe cleaner (on the left) with hand-dyed embroidery floss. The circle holds the rubber shelf liner. The dryer sheet covers the wool on the middle square on the right. You can click on the picture once; then, click that picture again to get a close up shot.

Check back next week. I have some great pictures from The American Folk Art Museum and the Museum of Art and Design that I'll be sharing--beautiful quilts, beaded works of art, hats, tapestries, etc. 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. I enjoy all the textures. I like the row of variagated french knots. For some reason it pleases me! lol. I would love to see it with some of your discharged shibori!
