
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sharing--My Trip to Connecticut and NYC

I recently visited my friend in Connecticut (September 4-9, 2010). We took a trip to New York City while I was there. Here are a few pictures.

It will surprise nobody that knows me that my first picture is of food! I just loved this display of breads--it is something I don't see around here. This is a bakery in Grand Central Station in NYC. We took the train from Bridgeport, CT, into NYC's Grand Central.
We went to a Broadway play. This is the set of "In the Heights." (For American Idol fans, Jennifer Sparks played one of the lead roles.)
I LOVE the vibrancy and colors of the city--Times Square.
We found a wonderful park on 51st Street. You can see our lunch on the table--we ate a hot dog that we got from a street vendor.
While in NYC, I also got to go to the Museum of Modern Art. They had a wonderful Matisse exhibit there. In the afternoon, we spent time trying to eat our way through the Brazilian Street Festival that was being held. I'm not sure exactly what it was that we were eating, but it was really good!

My husband and I have considered taking a vacation based on places featured on the Food Channel show "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives." While I was in Connecticut, a restaurant (I'm not sure whether this place was considered a "diner, drive-in, or dive.) was featured on the show--the Merritt Canteen in Bridgeport, CT. Of course, I had to have my picture taken in front of it. I don't know when it will air, but my husband will be so impressed that I've been there. BTW, the burgers and onion rings were awesome!
...and just so I have something "quilty" on this is Libby on my grandson's quilt. I folded it up and put it on the table after Cade left last week; Libby thought I did that just for her! Doesn't she look like she is saying, "You did put this up here for me didn't you?"


  1. Isn't NYC an awesome place? Not anywhere I'd like to live, but a great place to visit!

  2. It looks like you are having a great trip. New York is much different than here in the midwest. I agree with Laura, a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. Enjoy. Love the photos.

  3. I LOVE NYC. I think I'd like to live there for about 6 months, but it isn't somewhere I'd like to always be. I am just SO energized when I'm there. There is SO much culture and art; I just can't take it all in fast enough. Thanks for the comments.
