
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Quilting My Beth/Lyric Project "Closed Form" Piece

Since my Mom died in June, I've had real trouble focusing. I find that I am easily distracted; I'm not getting much done. I have, however, finished the thread sketching and quilting of my Beth/Lyric Project (from Lyric Kinard's "Art + Quilt" book) "Closed Form" piece. I drew this day lily from a picture I had taken in my garden (and I use that term loosely). I did a bit of thread work while I was quilting the piece. I'm pleased with the way it turned out. For now, I am adding it to my notebook of completed compositions from my Beth/Lyric Project. If you'd like to see the stitching a little closer, click on the picture. If you click again, you can see a larger version.
I am working on a stripped baby quilt. I have the center "panel" done and am working on the borders tonight. I'll post a picture when I get the top finished.


  1. Very nice, Beth! Is the background fabric some that you dyed or painted? Love the thread work on the flower, too. How do you get the pictures to enlarge the 2nd time?? I like that feature!

  2. Laura,
    The background fabric is a commercial fabric. Thanks so much for your positive comment on my thread work. Thread work is very new to me. I didn't do anything to get the picture to enlarge a 2nd time. I discovered it would do that by mistake!

  3. As you know Beth I love thread work. I think this piece has a very good balance of colours and depth.
