
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Free Patterns for Small/Quick Quilting Projects--First Edition

Because the economy is so bad right now, many of my friends and I have drastically cut down on our magazine subscriptions. To fill the pattern void, I have been looking on-line for some cute patterns. I like instant gratification, so I quite often look for small/quick projects. Here are a few of my finds.

This site ( has the cutest Polka Dot baby quilt. Of course, I don't think I'd like to do the required curved piecing, so I would probably use fusible applique or the largest yo-yos I could find should I decide to make it.
The Polka Dot Quilt is by Jennifer Murphy and appears on her blog "and Other Silly Things."

This next quilt is from the "Moda Bake Shop." ( According to their website...The "Moda Bake Shop" is a division of Moda Fabrics that provides online "recipes" which you can use with the wide range of Moda Pre-cuts. All sizes and types of projects are featured from various designers and shops. Tutorials for various Moda projects sheets are illustrated with step by step pictures. Some techniques and products are also featured throughout, so you should check back often for what is "baking" at Moda Fabrics. This quilt is called "Random Reflections." It finishes to approximately 60" X 60".

Check out the Moda Bake Shop home page for other great patterns. (

At Amy Butler's site,, you can get lots of great free patterns. Each is a free, downloadable PDF file. I picked three to highlight here. The first  is called "Thea's Puzzle Quilt." It finishes to approximately 64" X 64".
The next pattern is called "Nora's Mid Mod 2 Quilt." It is hard to tell what the quilt really looks like from this picture, but it is cute and would be a quick quilt to make. The size is fairly large at 88" X 93" if you need something a bit larger.

The last pattern I picked finishes 60 1/2" X 76 1/2". It is called "Daisy Chain Strippy Quilt." It is made using the string piecing style.
I'll be checking out other sites with free patterns and will feature some I really like on my blog. Check back.


  1. I like the patterns you posted.

    It never hurts, either, to browse through some old quilting books or magazines. I was about to throw some out (or rather donate them to a thrift shop where they are always welcome) when I came across the perfect pattern that was easy and a bit different. Also, you can never go wrong with a nine-patch. My art quilt group makes them frequently for gifts and they are always different and pretty.

  2. The polka-dot quilt is adorable-- I have a set of templates I bought at my LQS a few years ago that create that half-circle shape & the outside of the circle, and I use them all the time. It's one of those things that I'm actually happy I spent the money on.

  3. Beth, thanks for sharing those patterns. maz

  4. Yes Beth, thanks for sharing these. I'm in love with the big polka dots too.

  5. This post makes me sad. It is my lifetime ambition to teach every quilter in the world how to work without using other people's patterns! There's so much right on tap in our own heads.

    I do like the concept of recipes -- general approaches that can guide a tentative quilter without telling exactly how to do it. And I like the concept of browsing through books and magazines for ideas. But patterns -- anathema!!!

  6. A good idea to surf for free patterns. I've become very selective with subscription renewals.

  7. In response to Kathy's sadness about my post...these are patterns that one might see while browsing through any quilt magazine. Just look at my "Free Pattern" posts as browsing through my blog (rather than browsing through a magazine) for ideas. At best...people will use the info as a "jumping-off" point for their own designs; at worst...they'll have a cute quilt made from a pattern. I know that it took me several "recipe" quilts before I felt comfortable enough to "do my own thing." Maybe everyone doesn't need that to build their quilting confidence; I did.

  8. I came here from Approachable Art. Thank you so much for posting these links. I have now found a pattern for a jelly roll that has been languishing since I bought it!

  9. Julie, you are SO welcome. Thanks for the comment. I have lots of strips of fabric and think I might be able to use some of these patterns myself.
