
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Busy Looking For (and Finding) Some Fiber Art

I was lucky enough to actually find some fiber art in St. Charles, MO, while I was there. I ventured down to the historic part of St. Charles and checked out the Foundry Art Centre. I had seen a couple of wonderful fiber arts exhibits there prior to being here this time, so I thought I might be lucky enough to find a good exhibit. I knew, at the very least, that I could observe some working artists (pottery, painting, jewelry, sculpture). In their Gallery I & II, there currently is an exhibit called Fiber "Twenty Ten." The exhibit contains quilts, some 3-D fiber art, and some mixed media pieces. It will be available for viewing till May 14 with an opening receiption being held on Friday, April 16, 2010, from 6-9 p.m. Check out their website for more information ( I asked permission to take some pictures to share with you on the blog and have some pictures I'll download as soon as I get a chance., stay tuned...

While I have been gone, I have been working on an enlarged "Coloured Oak" applique art quilt. I got it put together (and I use that term loosely) before I left, so I'd have some hand work to do in the hotel and the car. I have gotten several of the "bands" hand appliqued down. I threw it over the couch in our hotel room and took a picture with my cell phone. I can't do any photo editing with Nate's little laptop, so this is a "raw" picture; it distorts the quilt a bit (and the "wild" couch in the background doesn't help it), but here is my progress so far...
I am enjoying the hand applique.

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