
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Class with Kathy Loomis, a Visit to Lynn's Paradise Cafe, Oh the Sights You'll See

I attended a "finishing" class, taught by Kathy Loomis, in Louisville today. It was a wonderful class on how to attach bindings and facings to quilts. I learned lots of great tips and tricks. Facing a quilt was totally new to me. I certainly will be using that on most of my art quilts from now on. I love the look. Kathy is a great teacher--very patient and generous with her time and knowledge.

After the class, my friend, Robin, and I went to eat at Lynn's Paradise Cafe. Lynn's is quite a unique place (as you'll see in these pictures). The atmosphere is VERY interesting, and the food is really good. If you are ever in Louisville, KY, check it out.
Most of the tables are chrome dinette sets. Many have different "ugly--REALLY ugly" lamps on them. They even have an "Ugly Lamp Contest" each year.
The chandelier above this table is actually an upside-down table lamp. There are "trees" as you can see in this picture. There is even a used tea bag mobile. The ladies restroom is painted the brightest lime green you can imagine, and each stall has a crystal chandelier above it! It's a fun place; you really have to see it to believe it.

We also saw this on our trip home.
In case you can't tell what this is, it is a guy on a Harley with two dogs in his attached trailer. The next picture shows the dogs a little better. ...I'll bet you'll laugh...
Okay, so my window was just a bit dirty--it was lightly raining. Don't you just LOVE the doggy goggles!

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