
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In Search of Art in Santa Fe

I spent the day today in Santa Fe going to art museums. I really wanted to see some fiber art, but didn't really find any in the museums I found. My friend, Dana, said I should call these last few days "Beth's Great Adventure." I've been on "dirt" roads and in bumper-to-bumper traffic going 75-80 mph--now, that was a little scary! Thankfully, I have a GPS to keep me on track. The hardest thing I had to do today was find where I had parked the car in Santa Fe.

First, I went to "Museum Hill." I asked about fiber art displays but none were available. I ended up going to the Museum of International Folk Art. I love the Folk Art Museum in New York, so I was thinking this was something I would really like.....I was wrong! One entire wing was closed (no reduction in the price of admittance). There was an exhibit of Indonesian Shadow Puppet Art. I can appreciate the work involved in making one of these, but it just isn't my "cup of tea." I moved on to the Girard Wing of the museum which houses a collection of over 100,000 objects in scenes recalling villages, markets and festivals. I'm thinking this Girard fellow was on the verge of being a "hoarder." I can't imagine housing all this stuff before it was given to the museum.

Next, I went to the Georgia O'Keeffe museum. Now, that was more like it! They have a great exhibit called "New Mexico and New York: Photographs of Georgia O'Keeffe" which features approximately thirty photographs of Ms. O'Keeffe dating from 1917 through the 1960s. I really enjoyed this exhibit. It will be at the museum till January 10, 2010. I also enjoyed her abstract work on display. I wanted to buy the book Georgia O'Keeffe: Abstraction (Whitney Museum of American Art) by Barbara Haskell, E. Bruce Robertson, Ms. Elizabeth Hutton Turner, and Director Barbara Buhler Lynes that just came out in September of this year, but it was a hardcover and way too expensive and too heavy to take home on the plane. I'll be checking into it on Amazon later.

I had some time left before I had to head back to Albuquerque, so I began to walk. I ended up at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts. Now, here is where I saw some strange stuff. A pile of crude wooden airplanes piled up in the middle of the floor was the first piece I saw. Next, I came to a mosquito net held off the floor with fish hooks. I went into a room that was empty except for two video monitors. Each was playing a different perception of a scene--two people were running through the snow (supposedly from some unknown intruder of some kind); the man in the scene is killed, and the woman freezes to death (I think.). Another exhibit had a screen showing a woman's naked back as she is on her side. Her back has a HUGE cut running from her right shoulder to her left hip. The cut was stitched shut, and there were strings of red beads hanging from the stitches. Ooooooo--at least I'm broadening my art horizons.

I did take a few photographs to use as inspiration for art quilts while I was out and about today. I'm anxious to get home and download them to the computer to see what I have. If I have any good ones, I'll share them.

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