
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Work, Work, Work (...and Not Quilting)!

I haven't gotten to work on my LAFTA project for a couple of days, because I have been working on painting my new quilt studio and bedroom. I have picked out and purchased paint and have been painting for the last two days. I now have two coats of paint on the bedroom and the quilting room alcove. I have one coat of paint on the remainder of the room. I also have a really sore left shoulder and right elbow. I'm thinking I'm really to decrepit to paint! Tomorrow I have to put the last coat on. I picked a yellow gold for the room. I was told that the color would make me feel cheery all year round and warm in the winter. I am happy with the way it is looking, and I can use all the "cheery" I can get.

Painting sure hasn't left much time to quilt. Also, I'm trying to get things ready to leave for a Florida vacation. I have to do laundry, pack, clean the house, mow the acre yard, and work in physical therapy sessions (for my shoulder). I am going to take time out to attend Stitch & Bitch. Another one of our UFOs is due at this meeting. I have all mine finished except for the last one, and I'm certainly not having any time to work on it.

My blog updates may be few and far between while I'm on vacation, but check back I may be able to post while I'm there. I'm hoping Nate will bring his laptop and that we have Internet access at the condo. I promise to get a picture up of the LAFTA project when it is further along. I'm hoping I'll have time to work on it while I'm gone. I'm planning a lot of sitting out on the deck and watching the ocean. I think that will be a good time to stitch on it. I'm wondering how well I'll be stitching if I add wine to that equation?

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