
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Time is at a Premium

Due to family issues, I haven't gotten to do much of anything quilting related. I did get a new quilt guild name tag started. I'm thinking that a program including techniques for making new name tags might be fun to present to the guild in May. We have so many new members that we really need to be wearing name tags. Currently, most of the tags are pretty "run of the mill," so it might be fun to do something a bit more creative. I'm not sure...regardless, I'll post a pic of mine when it is finished. I'm having so much fun playing that I may make more than one. We'll see what time permits.

Nate and I worked on our taxes today--not fun! It did turn out that we will be getting a refund! Whoopeeeeee! Now that this is finished, I may be able to work on some machine quilting of this month's UFO. I'd really like to be finished with the quilting and machine work on the binding so that I can hand stitch the binding during the upcoming Dirty Monday meeting. I'll let you know how that turns out!

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