
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Finally--UFO Challenge Choices

Well, my choices have been made for the UFO Challenge. The choices are numbered 1-10 (with the project Number 10 being the last project that has to be done). Projects 1-9 will be randomly drawn each month. Here are Numbers 1-5. I'll be posting 6-10 later.

Number 1
This is a Curtis Boehringer pattern. I'm calling this "December Snowman." The top is all that is done. It has to be marked, layered, quilted, and bound. I have to cut the backing and make the binding.

Number 2
This is a table runner--"Friendship Star Santa." This is a top only. It also must be marked, layered, quilted, and bound. The binding has been cut.

Number 3
This is another Christmas table runner. I didn't think this was enough for Number 3, so I have to finish three of these table runners whenever it is chosen. This particular one has only the three trees pieced together. I have yet to sew the star borders on. The other two have the applique on the blocks finished, but nothing has been pieced. All of these have to be marked, layered, quilted and bound. No backing or binding has been cut.

Number 4
This is a Lori Smith quilt. I'm calling it "Christmas Applique Quilt" for my list. The applique, piecing, and embroidery are done; but it has to be marked, layered, basted, and quilted. I still need to cut the batting, backing, and binding for the quilt. Once quilted, it will need to be bound.

Number 5
This quilt is Jan Patek's Four Seasons Quilt. I belong to her Wall Hanging Club and receive a pattern and fabric kit about four times a year. This quilt is layered and pin basted. It needs to be marked, quilted, and bound.
Do you get the idea that I don't really like the finishing part of the process? After looking at my unfinished projects, I'm coming to that conclusion. I DO like the feeling I get when a project is COMPLETELY finished, though.

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