
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Quilts=Art=Quilts 2017; Last of the Pictures

I’m sharing the last of my pictures from Quilts=Art=Quilts 2017 at the Schweinfurth in Auburn, NY, in this post. Again, these quilts were spectacular. I couldn’t have enjoyed myself more. Seeing them in person was really special.

Please respect the rights of the artists—no copying, sharing, using these photos for anything other than your personal enjoyment. Feel free to share the URL to this blog post.

I LOVE this quilt—the colors, the piecing, the “excitement” of the piece. I sat next to Margaret (She goes by Peggy.) at the artist brunch. I found out that she won “Best of Show” at Quilt National this year. WOW!
This piece is fascinating. I love the almost kaleidoscopic design that is made when the digital image is overlapped and fragmented. 
I stood in front of this piece for a long time. There are SO many fabrics and SO many pieces used in this quilt; it boggles the mind.
This piece is double sided. The front is made up of what look like small individual quilts attached to a base fabric. The designs on the back look like markings on a map to me.
This piece is SO full of imagery that it took a lot of time to take it in. I know I spent quite awhile in front of this piece as did many other people. (I had trouble getting a picture, because it was hard to find a time when people weren’t “studying” it.)
I took a closeup of this quilt, because I couldn’t believe how many tiny strips were put into this piece. I knew, just looking at the full-on picture, these individual strips wouldn’t show up. This piece gives me a peaceful, serene feeling. How about you?
(Top)-I heard the artist speak about her quilt at the Gallery Walk on opening weekend. She said she was compelled to make this quilt in response to current world events. She said she spent a lot of time trying to make the map (which I hadn’t seen) as accurate as she could. If you look closely at her shawl you will see North and South America and part of Africa. It was easy to see once she had pointed it out. (Bottom)-I have always loved text on quilts. This one did not disappoint.
(Top)-I don’t know if you can tell, but this quilt has MANY layered pieces. If you look closely at the bottom of this quilt, you can see that some of the pieces are attached at the top and left loose at the bottom. This causes these pieces to cast rich shadows onto the quilt and caused me to take a closer look. (Bottom)-I’m always drawn to black and white quilts. I guess it is the stark graphic nature of these quilts that draw me in.
This quilt was so interesting. It actually has a shine/glow to it. I guess that is because she used acrylic paints on it.
Some quilts have an important story to tell. Helen has a similar piece that is currently in a SAQA IN exhibit (Declaration of Sentiments) that will be traveling around the country till 2020. 

My next blog post will be about another exhibit that is being held at the Schweinfurth. It is fascinating, so stay tuned.


  1. So many talented artists. The quilts are wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

  2. The bird in the moon quilt looks like it has feathers.
    I do find that the quilt with all those pieces showing the Summer Solstice is calming.
    All of these quilts are just fabulous.

  3. Wow...each post with pics just gets better and better. I can see how you would have enjoyed your time in this exhibit!!! Again, thanks for sharing!

  4. So many visions with quilts being the common thread. They are al amazing in their own right. Thanks for showing us these works of art.

  5. They all (all four posts) make an impact, and I actually liked some of them quite a lot. Thanks for sharing these. This made me smile: “You don’t grow if you don’t do things that scare the crap out of you every now and then.” It's true. =) It's interesting to see the difference between art quilts and modern quilts. And traditional, I guess, but I always knew there was a huge difference there. Art quilts are not "modern" quilts, but something completely different, too.
