
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Retreat 2--December 2016

My second retreat of December just ended. This retreat is vastly different from my "quilting" retreat. This is a "fiber artist" retreat (where, evidently, we need to be quiet so the participants can focus). I am a pretty social (talkative) person, so I used my earbuds to listen to "The Wire" on my iPad to keep myself from making too much noise (i.e. talking/visiting). We DO end up with ample time to visit and talk when we break for meals. We each provide our own breakfasts and lunches, and we all go out together for dinner. This is SUCH an interesting retreat. I ALWAYS enjoy seeing what everyone works on. Another thing that makes this retreat so different is that we have critique sessions if requested. These meetings are a great learning experience for me. Artists show their work and we may or may not be asked for input. (Sometimes it is more of a show & tell depending on what the artist needs from the group.)
We meet at a retreat center called Pieceful Haven located in Crestwook, KY. I think most of the retreats held there are traditional quilting retreats, because the owner is always surprised at the lack of sewing machines at this retreat. We are provided a very nice space in which to work--several sleeping rooms, a dining room, kitchen, and well-lit and well-supplied work area. Irons, rulers, cutting mats, extension cords, cushy chairs, tables, a TV (should it be needed), two big design walls, and extra lights are supplied. A small design wall is available at each work station. There is also a nice deck with tables and chairs if the weather is nice enough to use it.
Debbie spent most of her time on collages and spinning. I had never really seen anyone spin, so I enjoyed seeing that. I loved the muted "clacking" sound made while she was spinning.


Felice worked on a couple of pieces--one using a photograph incorporated into the piece and the other a fabric collage from a photograph taken by her husband. It was interesting to see how these pieces developed as the retreat progressed. Joanne worked on her sketchbooks (which are art pieces themselves) and some research for her projects. Kathy worked on her annual hand-made Christmas ornament project and her newspaper haikus. I loved seeing how she incorporated materials that she "melted" with a heat gun into her ornaments. Pamela worked on a HUGE purple quilt and pillowcases along with some big, big, tote bags. She seemed VERY pleased to get the quilt top finished and said she hopes to have it quilted in time to add the binding at the artist retreat we have in March. Linda worked on the computer (She is a PhotoShop expert.), some basket coiling, and some three-dimensional fiber pieces. I'm always amazed with her work. I worked on finishing the tops for two children's charity quilts. 
I also worked on my black, white, and red blocks. Here are some of them on the design wall. I haven't decided what to do with them yet. I have to make more blocks, put them on the design wall, and play with them a bit. Here are some of the beginning configurations.
There is something I like about all these beginnings. Which do you like best? Do any of them speak to you?


  1. Love the 2nd, 3rd pics of your b/w/r!! looks like a panorama piece in the making!! Very nice!!!!

  2. I like the stars when you can clearly see them among the other patterns. The calm of the star brings your eye in for a rest.

  3. Your red, black and white blocks are looking really good.
    Wish we could see the others' work, especially Joanne's books, but I know that isn't allowed. Oh well, hope to see the work being done in March.

  4. Beth, thanks for this blog and all the photos since I had to miss the retreat. I love your black, white, and red work! Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas.

  5. Thank you for sharing. It was fun to see the charity quilts and pictures of your retreat location. I have a friend who spins and it is a very soothing sound! I love your blocks and all the settings look good to me. I'm not going to tell you my favorite, because you will figure out your own, and it may not even be one of these! How many more blocks are you making, if any?
