
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

More from Paducah 2014--My "Art Quilt" Favorites

I think my very favorite quilt in the show (definitely the one that "moved" me the most) was this one. It isn't a "pretty" quilt, but it is a piece of art that makes one think. "Sand and Sea: The Children of the Canneries" by Patricia Kennedy-Zafred actually moved me to tears. It did win 2nd Place in the Large Wall Quilts--Pictoral category. She says, "This piece is a part of a series on child labor in the early 1900s based on the touching photos of Lewis W. Hine."


Next, is another quilt I liked; it is called "Dotting Inside the Box." It was made by Sandi Snow. The quilt is actually a bit more yellow-green than yellow (as it looks in the picture). The quilting is really nice, as you can see. It won first place in the Large Wall Quilts--Modern.

The flow and the colors of this quilt ("Hurricane") are spectacular. Janneke de Vries-Bodzinga says, "Every year, all over the world, people are afraid of the destroyer, the Hurricane."


Remember, you can zoom in to take a better look.

I like the "wonkiness" and colors of this quilt. I love the little touch of yellow added into the blocks. The quilt, by Cynthia Felts, is called Abstract 16. I was going to say it reminds me of Gwen Marston's wonky log cabins when I read (and was not surprised to learn) that Cynthia began these improvisational log cabin blocks in a class with Gwen last year at Paducah.

I am SO drawn to color. I really like the vibrant colors in this quilt called The Ray, the Roses, and the Portal. The quilt is made by Sheila Frampton-Cooper. The Paducah Show Books says, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis was Sheila's favorite book as a child. The title of the quilt was inspired by the book."

This next quilt is just SO unusual. It has actual felted and embellished purses attached to the quilt. I found it really interesting to look at. Saturday Market Bags is made by Tina McCann. According to the Show Book, the quilt "was inspired by Tina's first time dying wool fiber and silk. The piles of colors reminded her of the stack of fruits and vegetables at the Saturday Market."


I have a few more quilts I want to share. Check back.


1 comment:

  1. don't you just want to choke the people who hang those stupid ribbons right on top of the quilts? do you suppose they would hang crap on top of paintings?
