
Friday, February 7, 2014

It's Official...I'm Doing a Block of the Month

Years ago one of my stitching groups decided to work on UFOs (Unfinished Objects), PhDs (Projects Half Done), etc. We worked on our unfinished pieces each month, and we all managed to finish LOTS of work. We haven't done that for awhile now and thought we needed to do another project together. We decided to do a block of the month quilt. Each month, the goal is to finish the block for that month BEFORE the meeting. We chose a project called "Penguin Cheer" from "Sindy's Stuff" blog. I finished the fusing yesterday. I think I'll take it along to our guild retreat (later this month) to finish the stitching I need to do around each shape. (I like to use a REALLY small zig zag stitch to finish it off.) This is Block 1. (It measures 14.5" X 12.5".)

If you'd like to join me and my friends in making this really cute quilt top, pop on over to Sindy's Stuff. Leave a comment and let me know you are following along. I'd love to see YOUR blocks each month.



  1. This is an appropriate theme for this month. I will enjoy seeing what all you quilters do.
