
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Guild Show & Tell 2013

Last night was the Christmas dinner and Show & Tell program at my quilt guild (Patoka Valley Quilt Guild). I took some pictures at the show and tell, but I'll warn you up front that the picture quality is not the best. I was a little too far away, and I was at a weird angle from the show. I still thought it was worthwhile to let you see what types of quilts the guild members have been working on this year.

I caught some of the names as the quilts were shown, and I'll share the ones I know. I apologize to the people whose names I didn't catch.

I thought I'd share Christmas quilts first (since we're barreling toward Christmas Day). Actually, there were three quilts shown in this first picture; I could only fit two in the picture I took. Darlene McNelis, Jane Horney, and Nancy Schmitt worked together and made matching Christmas quilts.

I didn't catch who made this quilt top, but I thought this Santa was awfully cute.
Darlene McNeiless made this quilt.

This hand-appliqued quilt was made by Becky Fuller. She had four quilts in this series, but this was the only "decent" picture I got.

Donna Scherle made this "Big and Bold" quilt. She loves to make quick quilts (and she makes LOTS of them).

I didn't catch who made these next three quilts.

Pamela Catt made this quilt. The instructions for it came from The Quilt Show.

Ann Jordan made this Halloween quilt for a Christmas gift!

I will show some more pictures of the show tomorrow. Stay tuned!


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