
Monday, December 3, 2012

Check It Out

Check out this month's posts on the And Then We Set It On Fire blog. For the first eight days of the month the resident artists are reviewing some of their favorite books. We thought it might be nice to include some gifts, so each day there is a giveaway of some sort. So far, I know about these giveaways (there may be more)--books, a 6-month membership to The Quilt Show, and a journal with a special hand-made cover. There is still time to get in on the giveaways by leaving a comment on each post.

Here is the lineup so far...
December 1st Book Review by resident artist Nienke Smit--Textile Adventures of Mirjam Pet-Jacobs and Textile is Alive! by Ellen Bakker. The winner of the giveaway will be chosen December 8.

December 2nd Book Review by resident artist Karen Silvers--The Sketchbook Challenge by Sue Bleiweiss and Melanie Testa's Dreaming from the Journal Page. The winner of the giveaway will be chosen December 9.

December 3rd Book Review by resident artist Beth Berman--Finding Your Own Visual Language written by Claire Benn, Leslie Morgan, and Jane Dunnewold. The winner of the giveaway will be chosen December 10.

December 4th Book Review by resident artist Judy Sall--Create Your Own Hand-Printed Cloth by Rayna Gillman. The winner of the giveaway will be chosen December 11.

December 5th Book Review by resident artist Judith DeMilo Brown--Sock Appeal and Sockology by Brenna Maloney. The winner of the giveaway will be chosen December 12.

December 6th Book Review by Me!--Art + Quilt, Design Principles and Creativity Exercises. The winner of the giveaway will be chosen December 13.

December 7th Book Review by Ann Vanherle--Picture This--How Pictures Work by Molly Bang. The winner of the giveaway will be chosen December 14.

December 8th Book Review by Beata Keller-Kerchner--I don't know what she'll be reviewing yet, but come on over to the blog and find out. have to leave a comment on each post to be in the drawing for each giveaway. Have fun reading the reviews, finding out about books that might interest you, and getting a chance to win a great gift.

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