
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Apron Update

Awhile back, I made aprons for my three new little granddaughters--ages 7, 4, and 2. Well, we had Thanksgiving AND Christmas with them last weekend. Along with the aprons, I got them each Play Dough, a rolling pin, and other "dough" cutting tools. I have to say...this gift was a BIG hit!

Check out the girls in their aprons.

This is Bianca and Lula.

This is Holland.

If you'd like to see the original post about the aprons (maybe you'd like to make one), here is the link. APRONS. It is #2 under "Other Projects."


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Find Art Wherever You Go

While I was in Vegas for my son's wedding, I was on the lookout for art. I found this...

There is an exhibit of Chihuly glass at the Bellagio Hotel. The ceiling in the lobby is covered with beautiful, colorful glass. It is breathtaking.

I'm also always on the lookout for inspiration for my doodling. Here's what I found.

This is at one of the entrances to the MGM.
This is the carpet in the MGM.
This is a Louis Viutton window. The art in the window is by Yayoi Kusama.
Inspiration can come from ANYWHERE!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wedding Gift

My son married a wonderful woman this past weekend. Their wedding was a "destination wedding" to Las Vegas so a wedding gift had to be small enough to fit in their luggage. I thought about it for a long time and decided to draw them a picture. I finished it the day before we flew out and only had a day to get it framed. Luckily, one of my friends owns a great little shop called Elements. She did a really nice, really fast framing job for me. I'm happy with how it turned out. (Thanks Kathy!)

Ryan and Tara liked it and told me tonight that they have it up on their mantle. If you take a closer look at the picture (by clicking in it) you will notice the heart with the four small red hearts in it. Those hearts represent Tara's children; she has four. Over the weekend I gained a new grandson and three new granddaughters. I'm excited!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fall Quilt Retreat

My local guild had its fall quilt retreat the last weekend in October. It was nice to do some "mindless" sewing. I thought I'd work on some Christmas gifts for my new little granddaughters. (My son is marrying a wonderful woman with four children--a boy and three girls.) This is the first time I've had a chance to sew for little girls. (I've only had grandsons previous to this.) I started off with these little aprons for the girls. They are reversible.

One side...
Other side

One side...

Other side
I'm hoping the girls will like these. They were really fun to make. (If you'd like to make some for your special little people, check out my blog post about them here. They are #2 under "Other Projects.")

I also made some blocks for quilts for the girls.

Actually, my plan was to make diamond quilts (like the bottom of the picture). As you can see, though, I didn't make enough "reverse" blocks. I'll have to get busy on those here at home. I'm using a used dryer sheet as a foundation for the string piecing. I won't have to tear off the dryer sheets before putting the quilt together, because the dryer sheets are VERY light. I DID read about using the dryer sheets somewhere in cyberspace, but (for the life of me) I can't remember where.

I also worked on a table runner and got some hand quilting done on my "caged" bias series. I didn't get pictures of those, though. Are you working on Christmas gifts?