
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Room Full of Chihuly Glass and a Boat

Boston Museum of Art--Chihuly: Through the Looking Glass Exhibit...

Inspiration for fabric art comes from many places. I was truly inspired by this work. I'm hoping to make some fiber art inspired by this beautiful exhibit. Maybe you will too.

One room was filled entirely with spectacular pieces of glass. It was arranged sort of like a forest with lots of undergrowth and a huge orange and yellow "tree." All of the following pictures are of the glass in that room with the exception of the last three.

 This is a close up of the orange and yellow "tree."
This is a glass boat--fabulous. It was almost as fun to observe the people at this exhibit as it was to view the pieces themselves. Literally, mouths were hanging open...mouths were covered with hands...and cameras couldn't click pictures fast enough.
One room contained a purple glass forest. The pieces of glass were actually coming out of real logs.


  1. This is what the bottom of Dale Chihuly's swimming pool looks like in Seattle. I'm not kidding.

  2. More eye candy!! Such wonderful work Chihuly exhibits! My friend made some quilts based on his work and they are wonderul. I love your pics! Thanks again for sharing!

  3. This exhibit was at the Nashville Botanical Gardens, installed outside in garden settings. The red vertical bamboo shoots were in a growing green bamboo forest, and the purple pieces were growing out of rock outcroppings. The boat was floating in a small lake. Amazing with the sunlight shining through them. And then at night, many were lit from within. Very inspirational!
