
Friday, November 5, 2010

Shiisa Quilts Wins and I Do Too!

Recently, the Quilters Newsletter blog asked for quilters to submit their favorite quilt shop and explain why they liked them. Of course, there was a prize for the winning nomination. Well, my nomination for Shiisa Quilts in Bloomington, IN, won! I found this box outside my door this morning. When I opened it, I was TOTALLY shocked to find this...

If you'd like to see what I had to say (and visit the Quilters Newsletter blog), check out this blog entry...Shiisa Quilts Wins!...and if you are not familiar with Shiisa Quilts, it is well worth your time to stop by. (See the website for directions and hours of operation.) Tell Janet (the owner) hello for me while you are there. If you can't make the trip, you can still check it out by visiting their website at You can shop, take a look at their blog, get directions, and so much more.


  1. How cool is that? Can't wait to see what you make!! And thanks for saying such nice things about Shiisa Quilts!

  2. There were not there when I lived in Bloomington! :(

  3. Woo! Hi Beth!

    This is Kelly from Quilters Newsletter (posting under Quincie's ID. I'm sure she won't mind). I'm so glad you liked your prize! We'd love to see what you make with them! You can post photos on our Facebook page if you like.

