
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Stay-at-Home Robin

I know that some of you would really enjoy participating in a round robin. If you are like me, though, you might not really want to send your work off to someone else. On the "Friday Favorites" blog entry from one of my favorite blogs (Quilt or Dye), I found a round robin that I think many if you might like. In this particular round robin, you add each round yourself. You don't send it off to anyone. The requirements for each round are very "loose," so whether you consider yourself a traditional quilter or "art" quilter I think this round robin might be just what some of you are looking for. It appears on a blog written by Karen North. She calls it a "Stay-At-Home Robin." You can find it here...

It isn't too late to jump in...she has only posted three instructions so far.

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