
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Beth/Lyric Project Week 7 (Color as Emotion)

As a reminder to those of you that don’t normally keep up with my blog (if you do, skip to the next paragraph), I have started a project that I’m calling the Beth/Lyric Project. In the spirit of the movie “Julie/Julia,” (i.e. Julie working through Julia Child’s cookbook) I have decided to work through the exercises in Lyric Kinard’s “Art + Quilt, Design Principles and Creativity Exercises” book. My goal is to get at least one of the exercises done each week. I’ll be posting my progress on Sundays. I’d love for you to work along with me. If you decide to do that, please post and let me know how you’re doing—send pictures too! If you have trouble leaving a comment on my blog, email me at

In the Color as Emotion exercise, the instructions said to “Create a simple composition that evokes a feeling, using color as the dominant element. Choose any emotion as your inspiration.” This was a hard exercise for me. Trying to think of an original composition pushes my limits. The requirement to use color as the dominant element also added to the difficulty. This is what I came up with. My first picture represents sadness.
We were asked if we could repeat the composition in a different color combination and change the mood. I thought I’d give it a try. My second picture represents excitement. The compositions are the same; the only change is color.
Next week’s “assignment” is on “Value Contrast.” Come on…join me. We’ll be working from Page 47 in the “Art + Quilt” book.


  1. I had just this morning decided to do exactly what you are doing: work through Lyric's book, page by page. I've been browsing through the books for weeks; it's now time to step up to the plate and come out swinging--to use a baseball metaphor. I will post my results on my blog.

    I am very impressed with these two pieces you created--exactly the same design, but so different with the different color choices.

  2. Great job! I haven't worked my way through Lyric's book yet - just read it over and over. Your original design is beautiful and the colors are great in invoking different moods.

  3. Ruth Anne and Lisa,
    You will love working through the book. Making the committment to post my progress on my blog has really been a good thing for me; it has made me accountable. I'm learning SO much. Let me know how you get along. I'd love to see your work too.
