
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Pics from the 2009 Paducah Quilt Show

The house work is progressing nicely. I can finally see an end to the mess! I have actually settled down enough to resume hand quilting on a whole-cloth quilt started long ago. Hand quilting tends to calm me down, and God knows I need that!

Some miscellaneous quilt stuff...
The UFO (from the UFO Challenge) is due in about two weeks. I'll have pics of that up in the next week or so (so watch for it).

...and now, more from the 2009 AQS Show in Paducah..."Fandango" by Judy Peterson from Pinehurst, NC, was inspired by Alice Arnette's ORIENTAL SPIRAL quilt incorporating Bethany Reynolds "Stack-n-What" Fan blocks and Lone Star Quilts & Beyond by Jan Krentz. It is longarm quilted. I just thought the color combination was very striking.

I promised another cat it is. Being the cat lover that I am, I just couldn't resist this quilt. I love it. It was made by Sandy Curran from Newport News, VA. It is called "Wild Cat." In the garden Sandy's purring pet becomes a wild predator. No mouse is safe! The eyes are all important! Feel him quiver before he pounces! It is home sewing machine quilted.The eyes were spetacular in this quilt. They really drew me in. I thought they deserved a closeup.
Jean Evans from Medina, OH, made Patio Schene III, "Tomato Takeover." This quilt won 1st in the Large Wall Pictorial quilt category. A tomato plant grew so large that it took over a brick wall and became the inspiration for this partially painted, hand-appliqued quilt. It is hand and machine quilted. I just couldn't believe how real those tomato plants looked.

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